[Tustep-Liste] Training School e-Lexicography

Stang, Aline stang at uni-trier.de
Di Feb 10 11:09:46 CET 2015

COST Action IS 1305 European Network of e-Lexicography
“Standard tools and methods for retro-digitising dictionaries”
6 July ‒ 10 July 2015, Lisbon, Portugal

Funded by COST Action IS 1305 the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa is hosting the first ‘European Network of e-Lexicography’ Training School, in Lisbon.

COST Action IS1305 invites researchers in countries participating in COST Action IS 1305 (http://www.cost.eu/about_cost/cost_countries) to submit applications for a Training School that will be held in Lisbon from Monday 6 July to Friday 10 July 2015.

By retro-digitisation we mean the process of converting existing print dictionaries into digital publications. The training school aims to bring together students from many countries. They will be introduced to each step of the process of retro-digitisation by means of theoretical courses and hands‑on sessions.

Topics and Format

‒        Introduction (presentation of different successful retro-digitisation projects)

‒        How to produce a digital copy of dictionaries (digitisation from paper to image to text)?

‒        How to encode and enrich dictionary data (requirements, standards and tools)?

‒        How to manage retro-digitisation projects (project design, resources, time schedule, budget)?

Classes will combine theoretical instructions on standard tools and methods for retro-digitising dictionaries with practical lessons, giving participants the opportunity to work on their own material and learn the steps necessary to transform a printed dictionary into a marked-up dictionary as a basis for a database or an online-publication.

Preliminary Programme
9-12 Introduction
14-18 Presentation of students’ use cases

9-12 From image to text / requirements
14-18 Digitisation instructions and requirements

9-12 Data modelling I
14-18 Structure analysis, encoding

9-12 Data modelling II
14-18 Encoding and enrichment

9-12 Project management
14-18 Presentation of results

Jesse de Does, Institute for Dutch Lexicology (INL), Netherlands
Katrien Depuydt, Institute for Dutch Lexicology (INL), Netherlands
Jens Erlandsen, Erlandsen Media Publishing ApS, Denmark
Vera Hildenbrandt, Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Germany
Toma Tasovac, Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities, Serbia

Who can apply?
The Training School is aimed at students, PhDs, Post-Docs, Early Stage Researchers (up to eight years after their PhD) and Advanced Researchers who want to take advantage of the innovative and interdisciplinary character of the Training School.
We expect students of various backgrounds and especially those who are participating in or starting to participate in projects to retro-digitise dictionaries. Each student will be expected to bring along a sample of dictionary data that they are interested in working on (NOTE: computers will be provided, but students are encouraged to bring their own laptops).

ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer) will be offered for a report that the participants will need to submit after the training school. The report will be graded by the training team.

To support their participation in the Training School, the applicants can be reimbursed according to the COST Action guidelines.

‒        The final grant amount will be confirmed in due course, and will be an average of 500 €, depending on the country of the trainees and on budgetary considerations.

‒        Prior to the Training School, each trainee will receive a grant letter stipulating the fixed amount on his or her grant. The grant is intended to cover the majority of trainees’ travel, accommodation, and subsistence during the Training School.

‒        Trainees will be required to pay for their own travel, accommodation, and subsistence prior to receiving their grant.

How to apply?
Applications should contain the following:

1)      a brief CV (with the indication of the date of receipt of the PhD or other higher degrees.

2)      a short motivation letter (not more than one page) describing your retro-digitisation project, including a brief statement of how your contribution to your project may be enhanced by participation in the Training School.
If you are interested in participating, please send your application via e-mail to Tanneke Schoonheim (Tanneke.Schoonheim at inl.nl<mailto:Tanneke.Schoonheim at inl.nl>) and use the subject line: “Application COST Training School 2015”.

Deadline for application
The deadline for the submission of applications is Friday 27 March 2015. The notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by 3 April 2015 at the latest.

Applications will be selected by a panel that consists of the following persons:
Tanneke Schoonheim, Short Term Scientific Mission Manager
Rute Costa, Training School Manager
Vera Hildenbrandt, Chair of Working Group 2: Retro-digitised dictionaries
The selection will be confirmed by the Management Committee.

Contact persons

‒        for financial questions/reimbursements: Tanneke Schoonheim, Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, Tanneke.Schoonheim at inl.nl<mailto:Tanneke.Schoonheim at inl.nl>

‒        for logistic questions: Rute Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Departamento de Linguística, costamrv at gmail.com<mailto:costamrv at gmail.com>

‒        for queries on the content of the Training School: Vera Hildenbrandt, Trier Center for Digital Humanities, vera.hildenbrandt at uni-trier.de

We look forward to meeting you in Lisbon!

More information: http://www.elexicography.eu/

Aline Stang, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und
Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften | Trier Center for Digital Humanities
Universität Trier
Fachbereich II – Germanistik
Universitätsring 15
54296 Trier

Postanschrift: Universität Trier – Kompetenzzentrum, 54286 Trier

Raum: DM 341
Telefon: +49 (0)651 201-2935<tel:%2B49%20%280%29651%20201-2935>
Fax: +49 (0)651 201-3589<tel:%2B49%20%280%29651%20201-3589> (Sekretariat)
E-Mail: stang at uni-trier.de<mailto:stang at uni-trier.de>
Internet: http://kompetenzzentrum.uni-trier.de<http://kompetenzzentrum.uni-trier.de/>

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